The difference is the lock design.
DF11-**DS-2C(20)(scheduled to be discontined) has reinforced lock type. It can be distinguished by an identification mark.
The difference is the lock design.
DX30M-**-CV(10) has reinforced lock.
The lock metal of DX30M-**-CV(10) is seen from the side but that of DX30M-**-CV(Scheduled to be discon...
The difference is the plating of reel career.
DF13-2630SCFA : Nickel
DF13-2630SCFA(04) : Tin
DF13-2630SCFA(04) is our standard.
Following figure is another crimp contact fo...
The difference is the boss, insulator design and metal fitting.
Please refer to the below table for the details.DF11G series is scheduled to be discontinued.The replacement is ...
The difference is hexagon nut of M2 size/0.4mm pitch
In "M2", "M" stands for metric nut and "2" after "M" stands for thread diameter.
(71) : Without nuts, our standard
The difference is screw and spring washer.
HD-LN(05) : Applicable panel thickness = less than1.2mm(scheduled to be discontinued)
HD-LN(08) : Applicable panel thick ness =1.2...
The difference is packaging and tape for vacuum pick up.
FX6-**S-0.8SV(71) : tube without tape
FX6-**S-0.8SV(91) : tube with tapeFX6-**S-0.8SV(92) : reel without tape
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