The jack is HR25-7TJ-8S(72).Assembling jig is HR25-7TP-T01 for HR25-7TP-8P(72) and HR25-7TJ-T01 for HR25-7TJ-8S(72).Cable crimping tool HR10A-TC-02 is used for both of HR25-7TP-...
The spacer is AP105P-IN-SPACER(22) for UL1071 and UL1015 wire.
This insulation spacer is used in the following applicators.
We do not have hand tool for DF13-2630SCFA.
Applicator "AP105-DF13-2630S" is crimping tool for DF13-2630SCFA.
DF13-2630SCFA will be discontinued and the replacement is DF13-...
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