ヒロセ電機株式会社HRS FAQ System


What is China RoHS?

The official name is [Electrical and Electronic Products Hazardous Substance Use Restriction Control Law].

It is a law that restricts (prohibits) the content of electrical and electronic products produced, sold, and imported in China above the regulation value of the target substance (group). 
・ If there is no alternative method other than using the target substance (group), exemption use is permitted.
・ The set maker is obliged to indicate the non-inclusion and inclusion with a mark. 
 free             contained 
 ◆ Substance group ・ ・ ・ ①Cadmium (Cd), ②Lead (Pb), ③Mercury (Hg), ④Hexavalent chromium (Cr6 +), 
⑤Polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), ⑥Polybrominated diphenyl ethers ( PBDEs)
◆ Regulation value ・ ・ ・ Cadmium (Cd) 100ppm (0.01%) and 5 other substances 1000ppm (0.1%)
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