If you want the color measurement result of the same material as the purchased product,please specify in the requirement that "representative color is not possible" and request ...
The hole size is reduced to stabilize the connector to PCB and prevent connector
from mis-position and rotation during mounting process.
Please refer to FX18 Design Guide Line,...
You need to tighten the clamp by aligning the screw with the recess of the clamp fitting.When a load is applied to the cable, the fitting is not caught in the screw tip and pull...
...lock, it is a problem because the screw loosens when cable moves.However, there is no problem in case of the zero screw terminal block because of spring type. The reliability te...
Please mount the connector with actuator standing(open).
When the FPC is not inserted and the actuator is down(close) ,
the springiness of the contacts will deteriorate.
No, right angle board mounting type QR/P8 series is not available.However, straight board mounting connector is available and it is PI8 series(discontinued).
Please check the following and contact us from the purchase route. 1) Target product
---> We will confirm whether the product contains bromine or bromine compounds.
The difference between beige and black is the presence or absence of pigment. The black readings, which contain pigments, cover the beige readings. If the black reading is below...
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