It depends on the conditions.
Please let us know the connector part numbers, wire manufacturer name,
UL Number for wire, AWG number of wire, the location that you want to kn...
Please refer to User Guide for Wire-to-Board Connector in our website.Our website>Category>wire-to-boardClick "wire-to-board" and you can see user guide at the bottom.
Yes, the guide for gold plating is the current equals or less than 100μA but no guide for minimum current.
Please refer to user guide 3 selecting of plating.
The low limit of the storage humidity range cannot be lowered.
Below the low limit, drying increases the risk of the plastic part crack.
Please keep the connector within the...
The following series may meet your needs.
The rated voltage is shown.QR/P series : 840VDC for power supply, 250VDC for signalQR/P1 series : 350VDC for power supply, 175VDC for...
Insertion and withdrawal force are listed on the specification sheet of female connector.Insertion force is 19.7N or less and withdrawal force is 2.9N or more.
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In cases where the application will demand a high level of reliability, such as automotive, please contact a company representative for further information.