There is no replacement connector for DF6-**P-3.96C.
The same contact pitch(3.96mm) connector is available.
It is DF63M series. Please check the dimensions, performance and i...
The difference is shielding.
TM21 series is shielding type and TM22 series is non-shielding type. Both series satisfy TIA/EIA-568-B enhanced category 5. However, applicable...
The difference is the lock design.
DF11-**DS-2C(20)(scheduled to be discontined) has reinforced lock type. It can be distinguished by an identification mark.
The difference is the lock design.
DX30M-**-CV(10) has reinforced lock.
The lock metal of DX30M-**-CV(10) is seen from the side but that of DX30M-**-CV(Scheduled to be discon...
The difference is the boss, insulator design and metal fitting.
Please refer to the below table for the details.DF11G series is scheduled to be discontinued.The replacement is ...
No, it is different. We prepare a dedicated applicator for each crimp terminal(contact) according to the wire gauge size (AWG#). ApplicatorDF50 crimp contacts : AP105-DF50-...
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