The difference is connector thickness(shorter side dimension) because of thicker wall. DF11 : 5 mm Our standard.DF11E : 6 mm Reinforced wall type(discontinued).
The hole size is reduced to stabilize the connector to PCB and prevent connector
from mis-position and rotation during mounting process.
Please refer to FX18 Design Guide Line,...
The difference is shell color and the material of O-ring.
JR13WCC-6(71) : Black chrome plated shell and NBR(Nitrile rubber) O-ring
JR13WCC-6(72) : Chrome plated shell and...
The replacement connector for RM15QPH-**P(Discontinued) is RM15QPS-**P(76) or RM15QPS-**P(81) and
the replacement connector for RM15QPH-**S(Discontinued) is RM15QPS-**S(76) or ...
The difference is outside plating and the material of rubber for waterproof.
Part number Plating Material of rubberLF10WBR-C Nickel Silicone (Black)
LF10WBR-C(03) ...
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