There is no replacement connector for DF6-**P-3.96C.
The same contact pitch(3.96mm) connector is available.
It is DF63M series. Please check the dimensions, performance and i...
It depends on the conditions.
Please let us know the connector part numbers, wire manufacturer name,
UL Number for wire, AWG number of wire, the location that you want to kn...
No, it is different. We prepare a dedicated applicator for each crimp terminal(contact) according to the wire gauge size (AWG#). ApplicatorDF50 crimp contacts : AP105-DF50-...
The cable side crimp socket is;
Pin header Cable side socket /RemarksDF63M-2P-7.92DS(A) DF63-3S-3.96C /Insert crimp contacts into No.1 and No.3 cavities
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