ヒロセ電機株式会社HRS FAQ System


What is the difference between QR/P1-PCA2B-221 and QR/P1-PC2B-221(12) ?

​The difference is the sequence contact.
QR/P1-PCA2B-221 : Sequence contact
QR/P1-PC2B-221(12) : Not sequence contact

Applicator is the same.  Applicator part number is AP105-QR/P1-2B-2.
QR/P1-PCA2B-221 is sequence contact that contacts with the other connector first at mating,
when QR/P1-PCA2B-221 and QR/P1-PC2B-221(12) are used together.
Both contacts can be used for QR/P1-xxPC-C(50).
Note: "xx" stands for number of pin. 
Example: QR/P1-16PC-C(50).
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